Parkour Masterclasses
Mon 4 July - Vaults & Saults
Wed 6 July - Jumps & Tricks
2 hr classes each day
During our parkour masterclasses we aim to take basic skills, and turn them into advanced skills by adding more challenge in a fun and incremental manner.
Monday 4 July will focus on Saults and Vaults. Working on front saults, side saults, back saults, websters, and cheat gainers for a dive into freerunning skills, participants will also have a chance to push their vaults by connecting them with other fundamental movements.
Wed 6 July will revolve around Jumps and Tricking. Pushing the distance and technique on jumps, plyos and leaps, this masterclass will also give everyone a taste of tricking movements like kicks, twists and combos.
Each of the masterclasses are two hours long, and we highly encourage people to sign up to both as they will cover completely different movements!
Inclusive, safe, social, adventurous.
Different times for different age groups:
5-8 yrs: 9.00 - 11.00am & 1.30 - 3.30pm
9-12 yrs: 11.00 - 1.00pm & 3.30 - 1.30pm
Teens: 3.30 - 5.30pm
Beginners and Experienced Welcome. Trainers: Flynn and Cameron
Bookings Essentials: