Castlemaine Circus 2021
Term One: Feb 1 – April 1
Enrolments are now open.
Currently, many classes are full, but enrolments can change, so it’s best to request to go on the wait list.
How to request a class now?
Login as a new customer – accept policies – add students – find a class.
Most classes are currently full and say ‘wait list’. To go on the list for next year:
– click on the class you want to enrol in (even if it says wait list)
– click yellow wait list button
– add to cart
– complete transaction
You have now requested to be enrolled in this class for 2021. I will email you a receipt of acceptance.
You can request as many classes as you want for each student.
This does not guarantee your spot in the class. First preference is to current students, then spots will become available to you. You will receive an email by the end of the year to complete the enrolment.
Please call if you would like to chat about classes.
Please note the Circus is closed: Dec 24 – 29, Jan 1-11.